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About The Author

Short Description

Evening make up

Other Projects by Mary_Ndung'u_2386

Projects similar to this

hair therapist by Elvira_Audi_142
As a hair therapist was working out my skills in different hairstyles.
Hair designs and styles by Joe_Mwendwa_9424
I performed weaving, gel and extension and tonging on clients
Adding dread locks by Joe_Mwendwa_9424
I made fresh dread locks and retwist for my clients
Bonding and Hair Treatment by Joe_Mwendwa_9424
I performed treatment for a client and bonding for weaves
Make up by Mary_Ndung'u_2386
Evening make up
Photo shoot by joy_kibuga_16
A simple day look I did for a client who enjoys subtle makeup and this was her before and after look.
Make up on a client by sylvia_wishenga_3
This was a facial makeup I did on a client who needed something that identifies with her style.
Client Makeup by sylvia_wishenga_3
Make up done on clients.
