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Projects - Writing and Publishing

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cerartist Level - Novice

Development of a logo design suitable for the client

461  .  0 comments Share

Eric_Mwenda_5554 Level - Novice

455  .  0 comments Share

maxominavic Level - Novice

The project entailed writing about the repercussions of COVID-19 pandemic in Kenya amongst different ...

345  .  0 comments Share

bss_africa Level - Senior

I was hired to write content for the African news Platform, Weetracker

388  .  0 comments Share

benjamin_keya_8 Level - Novice

454  .  0 comments Share

alex_bett_5 Level - Novice

386  .  0 comments Share

alex_bett_5 Level - Novice

385  .  0 comments Share

kennedy_kinoti_9 Level - Novice

Value addition system for small scale farmers in Uganda

393  .  0 comments Share

Eric_Mwenda_5554 Level - Novice

457  .  0 comments Share

brian_beauttah_12 Level - Novice

0  .  0 comments Share
